Advertise on Udaipur Rocks

Posted by zazo | 6:16 PM

Advertisement Policy:
Udaipur Rocks welcomes the interested advertisers and sponsors to have business with us, we provide our best to serve our customers and sponsors by putting there ad banner with the size of 125x125 on the top right corner of the blog which will come on every page the reader will click.

Our terms and conditions are:

  1. The blog owner has all rights to choose the sponsors and advertisers this means that if we dont like to put your ads even if you are agreed to our terms we can reject it without any reasons.
  2. Charges for advertising should be payed in advance before we put your ads on our blog, we dont accept payments from credit card or any other electronic means initially.
  3. To make a banner of 125x125 is advertiser's/sponsor's responsibility, we accept file format .JPEG, .GIF, & .PNG only.
We keep the rights to change the above terms and conditions anytime in future.

For more information you can reach us by mail, our e-mail id is--> zazo "AT" aol "DOT" in